Sunday, August 3, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy is a HIT!!!

Before I go on I want to say I am a HUGE Marvel comics fan, but never had an interest in picking up a Guardians of the Galaxy comic once in my years of collecting and reading. Looking back......I wish I did.

Not wanting to give out spoilers, I will try to stay basic with the movie and how it was. The first 10 minutes was a heart-wrenching scene that even brought a tear to my eye, then the roller coaster started down the hill and it was a thrill ride through the rest of the movie. I was verily entertained and I see this as a movie children of all ages will enjoy seeing multiple times.

The premise is basically about a bunch of criminals/misfits that ended up together, and then formed a team to save billions of people in the universe. Simple, huh?  Chris Pratt stars as Peter Quill, or "Starlord", the leader of this group. He brought his own personality into the role that you just have to admire. He also has one of the better selections of musical taste that probably hooked me from the beginning.

The REAL stars of the movie though are Rocket Racoon, which is voiced by Bradley Cooper, and Groot, voiced and modeled from Vin Diesel. Rocket is a genetically engineered raccoon that is hell bent on destruction. He is the humor in the movie and Disney will running to the bank on the cash in they will be making off of selling anything Rocket Racoon.

Groot is a tree that only says "I am Groot."  The relationship between Rocket Racoon and Groot I drew as a comparison to Han Solo and Chewbacca. Whenever Groot said "I am Groot", Rocket knew exactly what he said and it was always spoken in such a manner that a viewer can capture that emotion too in what was being meant. 

There is also Gamora, a green-skinned alien trained by Thanos, who is played by Zoe Saldana and Drax the Destroyer, played by Dave Bautista. Like most Marvel films, there were some liberties taken in changing storylines and backgrounds from the comics, but it did not take away from it at all like it does for me in some of the Spider-Man movies.

The only question I am pondering in this was about Thanos. I was always thinking Thanos was going to be billed as an Avengers villain with his appearance at the end of one of their movies. Now I am seeing that Disney was paving the way for the Guardians movie before they were even billing it out big. Guardians, from this movie alone, is not prominent in the Marvel universe that we have been presented so far in the theaters, but it is open to be easily implemented, though. In my opinion, this is not a bad thing either. Having a standalone movie not requiring you to watch other movies or a TV show is a relief.

In my rating system where 10 cheers is the highest rating and 10 boos is the lowest. I give it a definite 8 cheers for the fun and lack of boredom during the movie. Well done marvel and Disney.

David Thrills

David is associated with the twitter @TampaAmazeMe and continuously reports of happenings at Busch Gardens and other Tampa happenings. Be sure to follow him for live in-park tweets, news, and future movie reviews that will be to come.